للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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Hesperis: Archives Berberes et Bulletin de' institut des Hautes Etudes

Marocaines, Annee ١٩٤٧. Paris, ١٩٥٧.

٧٩ - Mitchell, T. F.:

Syntagmatic Relations in Lingauistic Analysis.

Transactions of the Philogical Society of Great Britain, pd. ١٠١ - ١١٨, ١٩٥٨.

٨٠ - Mitchell, T. F.:

Prominence and Syllabication in Arabic.

Bulletin of The School of Oriental and African Studies Vol. XXIII, Par ٢, ١٩٦٠.

٨١ - Mitchell, T. F.:

(Reader in Linguistics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London) . Colloquial Arabic, The Living Langauge of Egypt. (The Teach Yourself Books) The English Univirsities Press Ltd. London, First Printed ١٩٦٢.

٨٢ - Modern Philology. Chicago, ١٩٠٣ -.

٨٣ - Morris, CharlesW.:

Sings, Language, And Behavior. New York, Prentice Hall, ١٩٤٦.

٨٤ - Moritz, B. Arabic Palaeography. Cairo, ١٩٠٥.

٨٥ - Nida, Eugene A.:

Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, ١٩٤٦.

٨٦ - Ogden, Charles K. And Richards, Ivor: The Meaning of Meaning.

London, ١٩٢٣.

١st ed London ١٩٢٣. Tenth ed London, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., ١٩٤٩.

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