للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٩٨ - Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke.

The Meaning of The Glorious Koran: An Explanatory Translation. Published as a "Mentor Book" New York, U. S. A., ١٩٥٣.

٩٩ - Pike, Kenneth L.

Phonetics, A Critical Analysis of Phonetic Theory and A Technic

For the Practical Description of Sounds. Ann Arbor, London, ١٩٤٤. ١٠٠-Pikes KennthL.

The Intonation Of English.

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, ١٩٤٦.

١٠١ - Pike, Kennth L.

Phonemics, A Technique for Reducing Languages to Writing. University of Michigan Publications, Lingauistics Volume III. Ann

Arbor, University Of Michigan Press, ١٩٤٧ (Second Printing,

١٩٤٩) .

١٠٢ - PMLA:

Publications Of The Modern Language Assocition Of America. Baltimore (now Menasha, Wis.) , ١٨٨٦ -.

١٠٣ - Publications of The English Dialect Society.

London, ١٨٧٣. ١٠٤-Read, Allen Walker:

An Account of The Word "Semantics". "Word", ٤: pp. ٧٨ - ٩٧.

١٠٥ - Reiss, Samuel:

The Rise Of Words And Their Meanings. New York, Philosophical Library, ١٩٥٠.

١٠٦ - Ripman, Walter:

English Phonetics And Specimens of English. London, ١٩٣٣.

١٠٧ - Robert, Hall A. (Jr) .

The Reconstruction of Proto - Romance.

"Language", ٢٦, pp. ٦ - ٧, ١٩٥٠.

Republished In Martin Joos: Readings In Linguistics, pp. ٣٠٣, ٣١٤.

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