للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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١٠٨-Robins, R. H.

The Objectives Of Formal Grammar.

"Indian Linguistics", Turner Jubilee, Vol. I, pp. ٢٢ - ٣٠, ١٩٥٨.

١٠٩ - Robins, R. H.

Some Considerations On The Status Of Grammar In Linguistics. "Archivum Linguisticum", Vol II, Fasc. ٢, pp. ٩١ - ١١٤.

١١٠ - El Saaran, Mahmoud:

A Critical Study of The Phonetic Observations of The Arab Grammarians.

Ph. D. Thesis, London University, S.O.A.S., ١٩٥١.

Typescript, (Library of S.O.A.S. Library of The Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University) .

١١١ - Sapir. Edward:

Language, An Introduction To The Study of Speech. New York, Harcourt, Brace And Company, ١٩٢١.

١١٢ - Schlauch, Margaret:

(Professor of English, New York University) ; The Gift of Tongues. (Copyright In The U.S.A. First Published in Great Britain ١٩٤٣) . Third Impression, ١٩٤٩. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd. ١١٣-Sommerfelt, ALF:

Recent Trends In General Linguistics.

"Diogenes" Number ١, English Edition, A quarterly Publication of

The International Concil for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies,


١١٤ - Sturtevant, Edgar H:

An Introduction To Linguistic Science.

New Haven, Yale University Press (U.S.A.) ١٩٤٧.

١١٥ - Swadesh, Morris:

The Phonemic Principle. "Language" No. ١٠, pp. ١١٧ - ١٢٩. ١٩٣٤. ١١٦-TAPA:

Transactions Of The Amercan Philological Association. Hartford, Conn. (now Middletown.) , ١٨٧١ -.

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