للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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١١٧- The Modern Language Review: Cambridge, ١٩٠٦ -.

١١٨- The Quarterly Journal Of Speech: Chicago, ١٩١٥ -.

١١٩-Thurman, Arnold:

The Folklore of Capitalism.

١٢٠ - Trager, George L. & Smith. Henry Lee.:

Outline Of English Structure. Norman, Okla, Battenburg Press, ١٩٥١.

١٢١ - Troubetzkoy, N. S.

Principes De Phonoilogie.

Traduit de ١' allemand Par J. Cantineau.

Librairie C. Klincksieck, Paric, ١٩٤٩.

١٢٢ - Twaddell, Freeman W.

on Defining The Phoneme.:Language" Monograph No. ١٦, ١٩٣٥.

١٢٣ - Uldall, H. J.

Speech And Writing. Acta Linguistica.

١٢٤ - Ullmann, Stephan.

Words And Their Use.

New York, Philosophical Library, ١٩٥١.

١٢٥ - Ullmann, Stephan.

The Principles Of Semantics.

Glasgow. Glasgow University Publications, No. ٤٨, ١٩٥١.

١٢٦ - Varma, Studies In The Phonetics Observations of The Indian Gram-

marians. The Royal Asiatic Society; London, ١٩٢٩. Printed By Billing And

Sons Ltd, Guildford And Esher. ١٢٧-Vollers, K.

The System of Arabic Sounds As Based upon Sibaweihi and Ibn

Yaish. Transactions Of the Ninth International Congress of Orientalists,

Vol. II, pp. ١٣٠ - ١٥٤, London, ١٨٩٣.

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