للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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١٢٨ - Ward, Ida And Westermann.

Practical Phonetics for African Languages. ١٢٩-Ward.htm'Ida C:

The Phonetics Of English.

Fourth edition reprinted, Heffer, Cambridge, ١٩٤٨. ١٣٠-Wiess, Albeit Paul:

Linguistics And Psychology.

"Language" I, pp. ٢٩ - ٥٧; ١٩٢٥.

١٣١ - Weiss, Albert Paul:

A Theoretical Basis of Human Behaviour. Colmbus, Ohio, Adams, ١٩٢٩.

١٣٢ - Whatmough, Joshua:

(Professor of Comparative Philology In Harvard University) . Language: A Modern Synthesis.

A Mentor Book Published By The New American Library Of World Literature, Inc., New York. First Printing ١٩٥٧.

١٣٣ - Whitney, William Dwght:

The Atharva-Veda Praticakhya (Translated from Sanskrit) . Journal of rhe American Orintal Society, Vol. VII, article VIII, pp. ٣٣-٦١٥, ١٨٦٢.

١٣٤ - Whitney, W. Dwight:

Translation of The Sanskrit: Rik Veda Pratikhya; Atharva-Veda

Praticakhya; Taittiriya-Praticakhya: Journal of American Orintal Studies, ١٨٦٢ Vol. VII airticle VIII pp.

٣٣٣ - ٦١٥. And ١٨٧١ Vol. IX, pp. ١ - ٤٦٩.

١٣٥ - Whitney, William. Dwght:

The Taittiriya - Praticakhya, With Its Commentary, The Tribhasya-

raina: Text, translation, And Notes, journal of The Oriental American Society, Vol. IX, pp. ١ - ٤٦٩, ١٨٧١. ١٣٦-Arend,Z. M,:

Baudouin de Conrtenay and the Phoneme Idea. "Le Maitre Phonetique", January, ١٩٣٤.

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