للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Cohen. Rev. A., Everymans Talmud, London, ١٩٣٧.

De Haas, Jacob, Edi Encyclopedia of Jewish Knowledge, New- York

١٩٣٤ (E. J. K.)

Encyclopedie De L. islam et Supplements, Paris, ١٩١٣- ١٩٣٨.

Fischel, Dr. Walter. Jews in Economic and Political Life of

Mediaeval Islam, London, ١٩٣٧ (J. m. l.)

Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and fall Of the Roman Empire. the

Modern Library Ed, New- York, ١٩٢٣ (D. F. R. E.)

Grousset, Rene, Histoire des Croisades et du Royaume Franc de

Jerusalem. Tom l. ll. lll. Paris. ١٩٣٤. (G. R.)

Huart. CL., Histoire des Arabes. Paris. ١٩١٢- ١٩١٣.

Jewish Encyclopedia, New- York, ١٩٠٢ (J. E.)

Josephus, Flavious, Translated from the Greek Origin by) E. l.)

William Whiston, London, ١٩١٢) J. F.)

Lane. W. H., Babylonian Problems, London ١٩٢٣ (B. P.)

The Legacy of Islam. Oxford U. P. London, ١٩٣١ (L. I.)

The Legacy of Israel. Oxford U. P. London ١٩٢٧ (E. L.)

Le Strange, Guy, Palestine under the Moslems, Cambridge, ١٨٩٠

(P. U. M.)

- The Land of the Eastern Caliphate, ١٩٠٥ (L. E. K.)

- Baghdad During the Abassid Caliphate, Oxford ١٩٠٠ (B. D. A. C.)

Levy, Reuben, A Baghdad Chronicle, Cambridge, ١٩٢٩.

Lockhart, Laurence, Famous Cities of Iran, London ١٩٣٩ (F. C. I.)

Lowenthal, Marvin, A World passed by, London, ١٩٣٣, (W. P. B.)

Muir, Sir William, The Chaliphate, its Rise, Decline and Fall, oxford


Obermeyer, Jacob, Die Landschaft Babylonien Frankfurt Am Main


Poznansky, S., Babylonische Geonim, im Nachgaonaischen Xeitalter

Berlin ١٩١٤.

Roth, Cecil. The Jewish Contribution to Civilisation london ١٩٣٨

(J. C. C.)

Rhys. Ernest, Ed. atlas of the Ancient and Classical Geography,

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Smith, Henry William, Historians History of the World, New- York

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