للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Weil, G. Die grammatischen Schulen von kufa und Basra. Leiden ١٩١٣.

Weingreen, J. A practical grammar for classical Hebrew. London ١٩٥٩.

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Weinreich, U. Explorations in semantic Theory, in: Current Trends in linguistics III, Ed. by: Sebeok, Thomas, A. The Hague ١٩٦٦.

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Wensink, Some aspects of gender in the Semitic languages.

Whorf, B.I. Language Thought and Reality: selected papers, New York ١٩٥٦.

Wild, S Das Kitab al 'Ain und die arabische lexikographie. Wiesbaden ١٩٦٥.

Williams, R. J. Hebrew syntax. Toronto ١٩٦٧.

Winnett, F.V. and W.L. Read. Ancient records from North Arabia. Toronto ١٩٧٠.

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Wright, W. A grammar of the Arabic language. Cambridge ١٩٦٧.

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Young, G.D. Concordance of Ugaritic. Roma ١٩٥٦.

Yushmanov, N.V. The structure of the arabic language. Trans, by: Moshe perlmann. Washington, D.C. ١٩٦١.

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