للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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١ - FAO (١٩٧٦) Guidelines for Developing an Effective National Food Control

System. FAO Food Control Series, No. ١, FAO, Rome.

٢ - John C. Ayres, J. Orvin Mundt and William E. Sandine (١٩٨٠) Microbiology of

Foods. W.H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.

٣ - George, J. Banwart (١٩٨٩) , Basic Food Microbiology, An Avi Book, Van

Nostrand, New York.

٤ - Norran G. Marriott (١٩٨٩) , Principles of Food Sanitation, An Avi Book, Van

Nostrand Reinhold, Reinhold, New York.

٥ - Erich Lueck (١٩٧٧) , Antimicrobial Food Additives. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,

Heidelberg, New York.

٦ - R.B. Clark (١٩٨٩) . Marine Pollution. Oxford Science Publications.

٧ - Pollution, An International Problem for Fisheries (١٩٧١) . FAO Fisheries Series

No. ١٤, World Food Problems No. ١٤, FAO-Rome.

٨ - T.R. Presten and M.B. Willis (١٩٧٠) . Intensive Food Production. Pergamon Press.

Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Braunschweig.

٩ - Symposium on Medicated Feeds (١٩٥٦) , Edited by H. Welch and F.M. Ibanez.

Proceedings of the Symposiumnon Medicated Feeds, Medical Encyclopedia, Inc., New York, N.Y.

١٠ - Anabolics in Animal Production Symposium Held at OIE, Paris ١٥ -١٧ February


١١ - Timothy Twomey (١٩٨٧) , Radioactivity and its Measurement in Foodstuffs, Dairy

and Food Sanitation, Vol ٧, No. ٩, Pages ٤٥٢ - ٤٥٧ (Sept. ١٩٨٧) .

١٢ - Food Colors (١٩٨٦) . A scientific Status by the Institute of Food Technclogists

Expert Panel on Food Safety and Nutrition. Food Technology, ٤٩ - ٥٦, July ١٩٨٥.

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