للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٢٢ - Michaelson, G.: Diet and Acne. Nutr. Rev. ٣٩: ١٠٤ - ١٠٦, ١٩٨١.

٢٣ - Andersen, A.E.: Anorexia Nervosa. In: Clinical Nutrition. Paige, D.M. et al. (eds) ,

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٢٤ - Frances, J.Z.: Disorders of Energy Balance and Body Weight. In: Clinical

Nutrition and Dietetics. ٢ nd Edition, pp ٤٧٠ - ٥١٦. Macmillan Pub. Comp., New York, ١٩٩١.

٢٥ - Story, M.: Nutrition Management and Dietary Treatment of Bulimai. J. Am. Diet.

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