للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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٣٢ - Kirksey. A.; Harrison G.; Galal. O.; McCabe.; Wachs, T, and Rahmanifar A. (١٩٩٢) . The Human Costs of Moderate Malnutrition in an Egyptian Village. Final report to the U.S. Agency for International Development No. DAN ١٣٠٩ - A - ٠٠ -٩٠٩٠ - ٠٠.

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٣٥ - Favaro. RMD., de Souza, N.V., Vannuchi, H. Desai, ID., and Dutra da Olivera, J. (١٩٨٦) . Evaluation of rose bengal staining test and rapid dark adaptation test in the field assessment of vitamin A status of pre - school children in Southern Brazil.

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