للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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Institute, Perdue University. University of Arizona and University of Kansas) .

٥٢ - Moussa W.A.; Hegazy. M.E; Weber. C. (١٩٨٩) . Energy and Protein Bioavail-ability of Egyptian Rural Preschooler diets, Implication and Application. Proceedings of the ١٤th International Congress of Nutrition P ٣٨٤. Seoul. Korea.

٥٣ - Hartoge. A.P. and Staveren W.A. (١٩٨٥) Manual For for Social Surveys on Food Habits and Consumption in Developing Countries. Pudoc Wageningen. Holland.

٥٤ - Reh, E. (١٩٦٧) . Manual on Household Food Consumption Surveys. FAO Nutritional Studies, No. ١٨. FAO. Rome.

٥٥ - Burke. B.S. (١٩٤٧) . The dietary history as a tool in research. Jour. Am. Diet. Assoc, ٢٣. ١٠٤١ - ١٠٤٦.

٥٦ - Abdou, LA. and Moussa, W.A. (١٩٧٥) . Study of dietary factors causing growth retardation of boys in the Egyptian village. Egypt. Journal of Nutrition, ١. ٤٣ - ٥٨.

٥٧ - Balogh, M.; Kahn. A.A., Medalie. J.H. (١٩٧١) . Random report ٢٤ - hour dietary recalls. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ٢٤: ٣٠٤ - ٣١٠.

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