للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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٤٥ - American Heart Association Nutrition Committee: Rationale of diet-heart statement of the American Heart Association. Arteriosclerosis, ٤: ١٧٧, ١٩٨٢.

٤٦ - Nutrition Committee and the Council on Arteriosclerosis. Recommendations for treatment of hyperlipidemia in adults. Circulation, ١٩٨٤, ٦٩: ١٠٦٥ A - ١٠٩٠ A.

٤٧ - National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel. Detection, evaluation and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults. Arch. Intern. Med. ١٩٨٨, ١٤٨: ٣٦-٦٩.

٤٨ - Sherwin, R.: Cardiovascular System. In: Paige, D.M., ed. Clinical Nutrition ٢nd ed. C.V. Mosby company, ١٩٨٨, ١٤: ١٩٨-٢٢٦.

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