للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Haikin, A.S. ٢٠١ Hebrew verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses, Alphabetically arranged. Woodbury ١٩٧٠.

Halle, Z.S. Simultaneous Components in Phonology. Language ٢٠, ١٩٤٤.

,The Sound Pattern of English, London ١٩٦٨.

Hamp, E.P. A glossary of American technical Linguistic usage ١٩٢٥-١٩٥٠, Utrecht ١٩٥٨, ١٩٦٣.,The personal morphemes of classical Arabic. Studies in lin

guistics ١٤, ١٩٥٩.

Hamzaoui, R. L'academie arabe de Damas et le probleme de la modernisation la langue arabe. Leiden ١٩٦٥.

Handbuch der Orientalistik. Neudruck: Leiden ١٩٦٤. "ed. Spuler".

Hanna, H.M. The phrase structure of Egyptian colloquial Arabic. The Hague ١٩٦٧

Harden, J.M. An Introduction to Ethiopic Christian Literature, London ١٩٢٦.

Harder, E. Arabische Sprachlehre. Heidelberg ١٩٦٨.

Harding, G. LanJcester. Some Thamudic Inscriptions from the Hashimite Kingdom of the Jordan. Leiden ١٩٥٢.

Harrell, R. The Phonology of colloquial Egyptian Arabic, Washington

D.C. ١٩٥٧.,"ed". A dictionary of Maroccan Arabic. Arabic-English.

Compiled by T. Fox and M. Abu-Talib. Washington ١٩٦٦.

"ed". A Short reference grammar of Moroccan Arabic.

Washington ١٩٦٢.Harris, Z. S. Development of the Canaanite dialects. New Haven ١٩٣٩.

Reprint: ١٩٦٧.,The phonemes of Moroccan Arabic. Journal of American

Oriental Society ١٩٤٢.

,Methods in Structural Linguistics. Chicago ١٩٥١. new title

Structural Linguistics ١٩٦٦.

Harrison, R. K. Introduction to the Old Testament. Whoston ١٩٧٠.

Haywood, J. A. Arabic lexicography. ٢nd. ed. Leiden ١٩٦٥.

Hebraeus= Bar Hebraeus. Oeuvres grammaticales d'Aboul Faradj dit

Bar Hebraeus, ٦ditees par M. l'abbe" Martin Paris ١٨٧٢.

— ;Le livre Splendeurs, la grande grammaire de Gregoire

Barhebraeus, par A. Moberg. Lund ١٩٢٢.

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