للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Smeaton, B.H. Some problems in the description of arabic. Word ١٢, ١٩٥٦.

Smend, R. und A. Socin Die Inschrift Des konigs MeSa von Moab. Freiburg ١٨٨٦.

Smith, H.L. The phonology of Arabic lang. Words in Old Spanish. Minneapolis ١٩٥٣.

Sperber, A.A. A historical grammar of biblical Hebrew. Leiden ١٩٦٦.

Spitaler, A. Grammatik des ncuaramaischen Dialekts von Ma'lula "An-tilibanon" Leipzig ١٩٣٨. Neudruck ١٩٦٦.

Torczyner, H. Die Entstehung des semitischen sprachtypus. Wien ١٩١٦.

Trager, G.L. and F.A. Rice. The personal pronouns system of classical Arabic Language ٣٠, ١٩٥٤.

Trubetzkoy; N.S. Grundziige der phonologic Prague ١٩٣٩, Gottingen ١٩٦٧.

Twaddell, W.F. On defining the phoneme lg. Monograph ١٦, ١٩٦٦.

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Ullmann, S. Principles of semantics. Oxford ١٩٥٧.

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Ungnad, A. Grammatik des Akkadischen. Vollig neubearbeitet von L. Mltous. Miinchen ١٩٦٩.

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Spitta-Bey, W. Grammatik des arabischen Vulgardialektes von Agypten.

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