للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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محمد فاتح عقيل وفؤاد الصقار: جغرافية الموارد والإنتاج، "جزآن"، الإسكندرية، ١٩٦٦.

Alexander, L.M., World Political Patterns, Chicago, ١٩٦١.

Beaujeu-Gamier, J. and Chabot; Urban Gography "Translated" London, ١٩٦٧.

Broek. J.O., and Webb, J.W., A Geography of Mankind, New York, ١٩٧٣.

Carter, H., The Study of Urban Geography, London, ١٩٧٣. Clout, H. Rurl Geography, Oxford. ١٩٧٢.

Cohen, S.B., Geography and Politics in a Divided World, London ١٩٦٤. Cole, J.P., Geography of World Affairs, London, ١٩٧٢.

Eyre, S.R, & Jones, G.R. "eds." Geography as Human Ecology, London, ١٩٦٦.

Finch, O.W. et a!., Elements of Geography, N.Y. ١٩٥٧. Freeman, L., Geography and Planing, London, ١٩٦٨.

George, P. Geographie de la Population, Que - Sais je ? - ١١٨٧, Paris, ١٩٧٢.

Haggetr, P., Geography: A Modern Synthesis, New York, ١٩٧٢.

Haggett, p., Geography: Locational Analysis in Human Geography. London, ١٩٧١.

Hall, P. The World Cities, London, ١٩٧٢.

Hoyt, A., Man and the Earth, New York, ١٩٦٨.

Johnson, J. Urban Geography, Oxford, ١٩٧٠.

Jones, C.F. and Darkenwald G., Economic Geography New York, ١٩٥٢.

Lcbon, J.H., An Introduction to Human Geography London, ١٩٥٢.

Mayer, H. and Kohn, C, "eds." Readings in Urban Geography, Chicago, ١٩٦٩

Mountjoy, A.B., Africa, A Geographical Study, London, ١٩٧٠.

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