للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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Pcrpillou, A., Human Geography, London, ١٩٧٢. Pounds, N., Political Geography, New York, ١٩٦٣. Robinson, N. Human Geography, London, ١٩٧٨. Samailes, A.E., The Geography of Towns, London, ١٩٥٣. Sorre, M., Fondements de la Geographie Humaine, Paris, ١٩٥٥. Stamp. L., Applied Geography, London, ١٩٦٠.

Toyne, P. and Newby, P. Techniques in Human Geography, London, ١٩٧١.

Zelinsky, W., A Prologue to Population Geography, Ixford, ١٩٧٢

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