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[مراجع الفصل الخامس]

- American Psychiatric Association. "١٩٩٤" Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men- tal Disorders. "٤th ed" DSM-IV Washington, D. C. Author.

-Bordin, E. S. "١٩٤٦" Diagnasis- in Counseling and Psychotherapy,Educational and Psychological Measurement. ٦, ٣٥-٣٥٦.

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- Callis-, R. "١٩٦٥" Diagnostic classification as a research tool. Journal of Counseling Psychology ١٢,٢٣٨-٢٤٣.

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- Hayes, J. R. "١٩٧٨" Cognitive Psychology: Thinking and creating. Homewood, Til. Dorsey. Press.

- Hutchins, D. E. "١٩٧٩" Systematic Counseling: The T. F. A model for counselor Inter- vention. Personnel and Guidance Journal. ٥٧, ٥٢٩-٥٣١.

- Kanfer, F. W. & Goldstein, A. P. "١٩٨٠" introduction, in F. H. Kanfer & A. P. Gold- stein "Eds" Helping People change. "٢md ed" New York: Pergamon Press.

- Kafger, F. H. & Saslow, G. "١٩٦٩" Behavioral diagnosis. In C. M. Franks "Ed" Behav- ior therapy: Appraisal andStatus "pp ٤١١-٤٤٤" New York: McGraw- Hill.

- Kcll, B. L. & Mueller, W. J. "١٩٦٦" Impact and change: A Study of counseling relatio- ships. Englewood chiffs. N. J. Prentice- Hall.

- L'Abate, L. "١٩٨١" Toward a systematic Classification of Counseling and therapy the orists, methods, processes and goals. The E-R-A model- Personnel and Guidance Journal. ٥٩, ٢٦٣-٢٦٦.

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