للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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[مراجع الفصل الثامن]

١- العربية:

محمد محروس الشناوي، محاضرات في تقويم البرامج: المعهد المصري لتقويم البرامج وزارة الشئون الاجتماعية القاهرة ١٩٨٢.

٢- الأجنبية:

١ - Bandura, A "١٩٦٩" Principles of behavior modification New York: Holt, Rinehart and winston.

٢ - Cormier, W. H., & Cormier, L.S. "١٩٨٥" Interviewing Strategies For Helpers: Fun-damental Skills and Cognitive behavioral Interventions "٢nded" Monterey, CA: Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company.

٣ - Carkhuff, R.R., & Anthony, W.A "١٩٧٩" Counseling Methods. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

٤ - Cautela, J.R. & Upper, D. "١٩٧٥" The Process of individual behavior theraapy. In M. Hersrn, R. Cisler & P. Milles "eds" Progres In Behavior Modification "pp ٢٧٥-٣٠٥" Newyork: Acadrnic Pess.

٥ - Dixon, O. N. & Glover, J. A. "١٩٨٤" Counseling: A problem Solving Approach. New York. John wiley and sons.

٦ - Frey, Q. H. & Earning, H. E "١٩٧٩" A Taxonomy of Counseling goals and Methods. Personnel and Gauidance Journal, ٥٨,٢٦-٣٣.

٧ - Gambrill, E. D. "١٩٧٧" Behavior Modification: Handbook of Assessment, interven- tion and Evaluatian. San Francisco: Jossy- Bass.

٨ - Gottman, J. M. & Lebium, S.R "١٩٧٤" How to do Psychotherapy and how to evalu-ate it. Newyork: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

٩ - Hill, C.E "١٩٧٥" A Process Approach For estabhishing Counseling goals and out- comes:Personnel and Gauidance Journal, ٢٣,٥٧١- ٥٧٦.

١٠- Hosford, R. C & devisser, L "١٩٧٤" Behaviorl Approaches to Counseling: An introduction. Waslningtan, D.C: American Personnel and Guidance Press.

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