للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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١١- Jeffery, K. M. "١٩٧٧" The effects of goal-setting and self motivated Persistence: unpnblished doctoral dissertatian, Stanford unisersrty. & Stanford, CA.

١٢- Kiresuk, T.J. & Shernan, R.E "١٩٦٨" Goal Attainment Scaling: A general method for evaluating Comprehensive mental health Pragrams. Community Mentl Healh Journel ٤,٤٤٣-٤٥٣.

١٣- Krunboltz, J.Q. & Thoreson, C.E. "١٩٧٦" Counseling Methods, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

١٤- Stewart, N. R.., Winborn. B. B., Johnson, R. C, Burks, H. M. & Engelkes, J. R. "١٩٧٨" Systematic Counseling Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

١٥- Van Hoose, W. H. & Koltar, J.A "١٩٧٧" Ethical and Legal issues in Counseling and Psychotherapy. San Francisco: Jossy- Bass.

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