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- Delong, A. R. "١٩٥٥" Emotional effects of elementary school testing. Understanding the child ٢٤, ١٠٣-١٠٧.

- Flanagan, J. C. "١٩٥١" The use of comprehensive rationales int est development.

- Education and Psychologial Measurement ١١,١٥١-١٥٥.

- Goldman, L. "١٩٧١" Using tests in counseling "٢nd ed" santa Monica CA: Goodyear Pullishing Company.

- Goslin. D. A. "١٩٦٣" The Search for ability New York: Russel Sage Foundation.

- Gough, H. G. "١٩٦٢" clinical versus statistical prediction in psychology. In L. Post- man "Ed" Psychology in the making Histories of selected research problems. New York: Knopf.

- Gregory, R. J. "١٩٩٢" Psgcholgical testing: History, Principles and applications-. Bos- ton: Allyn and Bocon.

- Holt, R. R. "١٩٥٨" Clinical and Statistica Prediction: A Reformulation and some new. data. Jounnal of Abnormal ans Social Psychology. ٥٦, ١-١٢.

- Holt, R. R. & Luborstky, L. "١٩٥٨" Personality Patterns of Psychiatrists "Voll and٢" New York: Basic Books.

- Lin, L. J. "١٩٥٠" Probablity approach to forecasting University success With meas- ured grades as the criterion. Educational and Psychological measurement. ١٠, ٣٨٦-٣٩١.

- Loevinger, J. "١٩٥٧" The nature of validity. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association. New York: September.

- Longstaff, H. P. "١٩٤٨" Fakability of the strong interst Blank and the Kuder Prefer- ence Record. Journal of Applied Psychology. ٣٢, ٣٦٠-٣٦٩.

- Meehl, P. E. "١٩٥٤" Clinical VS Statistical Predliction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

- Mehrens, W. A. & lehman, I. J. "١٩٩١" Measurement and Evaluaton in Education and Psychology. New York: Holt Rinehart & Winston.

- Pepinsky, H. B. & Pepinsky, P. N "١٩٥٤" Counseling: Theory and Practice. New York: Ronald Press.

- Pharess, E. J. "١٩٨٨" Clinical Psycholgy: Concopts, Nethods and Profession. Pacific Crove, C. A.: Brooks /Cole.

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