للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

Christian (The) Mission in Moslem World, by William Schermerhorn, N. Y. ١٩٣٣

Christian Missions and Oriental Civilization by Maurice Thomas Price, Shanghai ١٩٢٤

Christian Missions and Social Progress, James Dennis, ٣ vols., N. Y. ١٨٩٨

Continental Survey of Foreign Missions. by Rev. James Dennis, N. Y. ١٩٠٢

Cooperation and the World Mission, by James Raleigh Mott, N. Y. ١٩٣٨

Danby - Why "Christian" Schools ? or what can Christian Schools contrlibute ? with particular Reference to Palestine, by H. Danby, Jerusalem ١٩٣٦

The Decisive Hour of Christian Missions, by John Raleigh Mott, N. Y. ١٩١٠

The Democratie Movement of Asia, Tyler Dennett, N. Y. ١٩١٨

Echos from Edinburg, by William Henry Gairdner, N. Y

Enc. Am. - Eneyclopedia Americana

Enc. Br. - Encyclopaedia Britannica

Enc. Miss. - Encyclopedia of Missions

Faris - Reapers of His Harvest, by John T. F'aris. London ١٩١١

The Evangelisation of the World in this Generation. by John Raleigh Mott, N. Y. ١٩٠٠

Five Decades and a Forward View, by John Raleigh Mott. ١٩٣٩

Foreign Missions after a century, by James S. Dennis, ٣ ed, edition. N. Y. ١٨٩٣

Garrison - The March of Faith, by Winfred Ernest N. Y. ١٩٣٣

Harrison- Doctor in Arabia. by Paul W. Harrison, London ١٩٤٣

Hartmann - Islam, Mission, Politik, von Martin Leipzig ١٩١٢

History of Protestant Missions, by Gustav Warneck, Edinburg ١٩٠١

The History the Protestant Missions in India. London ١٨٨٤

International Missionary Council, Jerusalem ١٩٢٨, ٨ vols. , London ١٩٢٨

Islam and Missions, by E. M. Vherry, S. M. Zwemer and C. G. Mylrea, N. Y. ١٩١١

L'Islam et l'Occident (les cahiers du Sud, ١٩٤٧

The King's Highway, West Melford (ca. ١٩١٥

The Layman's Foreign Mission Inquiry, Report, ٧ vols., N. Y. ١٩٣٣

Jessup - Fifty-Three years in Syria, by Henry Harris Jessup, N. Y. ١٩١٠

Les Jésuites en Syrie ١٨٣١ - ١٩٣١, ١٢ parties en deux vols., Paris ١٩٣١

Jung - Les arabes et l'Islam en face de nouvelles croissades et Palestine et sionisme, Paris ١٩٣١

Kilgour - The Bible throughout the world, by R. Kilgour, London ١٩٣٩

Lawrence - Modern Mission in the Near East, by Edward A. Lawrence New York ١٨٩٥

Levonian - Islam and Christianity, by Lootfy Levonian, London ١٩٤٠

Levonian (M) - Moslem Mentality, by Lootfy Levonian, London ١٩٢٨

Lucknow Conference, Lucknow (India) ١٩١١

Macdonald - Najla, the Sheikh's Daughter, by Jan Macdonald, London ١٩٤٤

Margoliouth - Mohammedanism, by David Samuel Margoliouth, London ١٩٢١

Medical Missions, by John Lowe. N. Y ١٨٩٦

Methods of Mission work among the Moslems, Being those papers read at the First Misslonary Conference on behalf of the Mohammedan World held at Cairo, Apr. ٤th. to ٨th.; ١٩٠٦ (Crossed : For private Circulattion only) , N. Y. ١٩٠٦

Mllligan - Facts and Falks in Our Fields Abroad, by Anna A. Milligan, Philadelphia ١٩٢١

Missionary Herald, Letters of the Missionaries in Syria and the Near East ١٨٣٠ - ١٨٤٢, Boston ١٨٣٠ - ١٨٤٢

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