Dempsy, James : Mission on the Nile, London ١٩٥٥ Dorman, Harry Gaylord, Jr. : Towards Understanding Islam, New York ١٩٤٨ Fontaine, Pierre : Dossier secret de l'Afrique du Nord, Paris ١٩٥٧ Grove, C. P. ; The Planting of Christianity in Africa, London ١٩٥٨ Grunebaum, G. f. Von : Modern Islam, the Search for Cultural Identity, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles١٩٦٢ Kerkes, Tibor : The Arab Middle East and Muslim Africa, New York ١٩٦١ Trimingham, J. Spencer : A History of Islam in West Africa, Oxford University press, London, Glasgow and New York ١٩٦٢ Trimingham, J. Spencer : The christian Approach to Islam in the Sudan, London ١٩٤٨ Trimingham, J. Spencer : Islam in Ethiopia , Oxford University press ١٩٥٢ Watt, W. Montegomery ; Islam and the Integration of Society, London ١٩٦١ Westermann : Islam in West and Central Sudan (Extract from the international Review of Missions, October ١٩١٢