للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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١٠ - Schorling Raleigh,

Student Teaching, An Experience Program "First Ed." New York: Mc Graw - Hill Book Company Inc, ١٩٤٠

١١ - Sngder, Edith Roach " Ed."

The Self - Contained Classeoom. Washington DC:

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Deveglpment, ١٩٦٠.

١٢ - Stratemeyer, Florence B. and Margaret Lindsey , Working With Student Teachers New York: Bareau of Publications of T.C, Columbia Un, ١٩٥٨

١٣ - Wragg, E.C. "Ed ", Classroom Teaching Skills, the Research

Findings of the Teacher Education Project. London: Nichole Publishing compay, ١٩٨٤.

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