للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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ثانيًا: المراجع الأجنبية:

- Abell, George O., Explortation of the Universe, "New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, ١٩٧٥"

- David Briggs and Peter Smithson, Fundamentals of Physical Geog.


- Davis, W, Morris, Geographical Essays "New York: Dover Publications,

Inx., ١٩٥٤"

Donald Steila etal. Earth and Man, U,.S.A John Wiley and Sons,

Ins., ١٩٨١

- Ellson M.A., The Sun and its influence "London:١٩٥٩"

-Greenhood. David, Mapping " Chicago: The Universty of Chicago

Press ١٩٦٥

- Huntington E, Principles of Human Geog., London, ١٩٥١

-James Preston E. and Kline, Hibberd V,B,.A Geography of Man Wasltham, Massachusetts: Blaisdell Publishing Comany, ١٩٦٦

, Jim Norwine and Thomas D. Anderson, Geography as Human Ecology? Univ/ Press of America, ١٩٨٠

- Larousse, Astronomy, Mark R. Morrise, ١٩٨٦

- Monkhouse, F.J., Dicitonary of Geography "Chicago: Aldine Atherton,

Inc., ١٩٧٠

- Poulnin, N. Introduction to Plant Geography "Longmans, ١٩٦٠"

- Raisz, Erwin, General Cartography "New York: MxGraw Hill Book Company Inc., ١٩٨٣"

- Sharaf, Torayah, A Short History of Geographical Discovery "Alexandria:

M. Zaki El-Mahdy, ١٩٦٣"

- Spencer Edgar Winston, Geology-A Survey of Earth Science "New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, ١٩٧٦"

- Stamp, Dudley, Applied. Ceography "London: Penguin Books, ١٩٧٦

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