للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

Blum, J.E. & Jarvik, L.F. Intellectual Performance of Octogenarians as a Function of Education and Initial Abilly. Human Develop., ١٩٧٥,١٨,٣٦٤-٣٧٥.

Booth, A. Wife's Employment and Husband Stress: A Replication and Refutation. J. of Marriage & Family, ١٩٧٧, ٣٩, ٦٤٥-٦٥٠.

Bomstein, M.H, & Lamb, M.E. "Eds." Developmental Psychology. Hill! Irlbaum & Assoc.,


Boshier, R, Adult Education: Motivation of Participants, in: T.

Husscn & T. N. Postletliwaite "Eds." International Encyclopedia of Education, vol, ١, pp ١٤٩ -١٥٢,١٩S٥.

Bolwink:x., J. Aging and Beliavior. New York: Springer, ١٩٧٣.

Brained, C. Piagent's Theory of Intelligence. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Prentic-Hall, ١٩٧٨.

Brodznsky, D.M. Gormly, A.V. A Anibran, S.R. Life-Span Human Development. New York: Holt, Rinc-hart & Winston, "٣rd Ed.", ١٩٨٦.

Bromley, D. B. The Psychology of Human Aging. Penguin Books, ١٩٦٦. "٢nd Ed.", ١٩٧٤.

Brubaker, T. "Ed." Family Ralationships in Later Life. Beverly Hill, CA: Sage, ١٩٨٣.

Burke, R. I. & Weir, T. Relationship of Wife's Emploment Status to Husband Wife and Pair Staisfaction and performance. J. of Marriage & Family, ١٩٧٦, ٣٨. ٢٧٩-٢٨٢.

Butler, R. N. & Lewis, M. I. Aging and mental Health. St. Louis: Mosby, "٣rd Ed.", ١٩٨٢.

Case, R. Intellectual Development: Birth to Adulthiid. Orlando: Academic Press, ١٩٨٥.

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