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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

Pers. & Soc. Psychol., ١٩٦٨,١٨٣-٢٠١.

Haddad, S. "Ed.". Adult Education: The Legislative and Policy Environment. The Nether lands: Klumer, ١٩٩٧.

Hagestad, G.O. Patterns of Communication and Influence between Grandparents and Grandchilbren an in Changing Society. World Congress of Sociology, Upsola, Sweden, ١٩٧٨.

Haith, M.M. & Compos, J.J. "Eds." Handbook of Child Psychology Vol. II, New York: John Wiley, ١٩٨٣.

Hall, G.S. The Contents of Children Minds. Princeton Rev., ١٨٨٣, ١١, ١٧٠-١٨٢.

Hall, G.S. Adolescence "٢ Vols." New York: Appleton, ١٨٩١.

Hall, G.S. Senescence: The Last Half or Life. New York: Appleton-Ccntury-Crofts, ١٩٢٣.

Hall, E. Lamb, M. & Pcrlmutter, M. Child psychology Today. New York: Random House, "٢nd Ed.", ١٩٨٦.

Harris, A.C. Child Development. St. Paul: West Publishindg, ١٩٨٦.

Harris, L. & et al., The myth and reality of aging in America. Washington, D.C.: The National Council on Aging, ١٩٧٥.

Hartley, J.T. & et al. Contemporary Issues and New Directions in Adult Development of Learning and Memory. In: Porn, L. "Ed.", ١٩٨٠.

Havighurst, R.J. Human Development and Education. New York: Longmans & Green, ١٩٥٣.

Havighurst, R.J. Social Roles of the Middle-Aged Person. Center for the Study of Libral Education for Adults, ١٩٥٥.

Havighurst, R.J. Development Tasks and Education. New York rMckay, "٣rd Ed.", ١٩٧٢.

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