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Maret, E. & Finlay, B. The Distribution of Household Laber Among Women in Dual-earner Families. J. of Marriage & Family, ١٩٨٤,٤٦,٣٥٧-٣٦٤.

Marshall, W.A. & et al. The Seven Ages of Man. New Society, No. ١١٠-١١٦, ١٩٦٤.

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McConnell, S.R. Retirement and Employment. In: Woodruff, D.S. & Birrcn, E. "Eds." Aging: Scientific Perspectives and Social Issues. Monterey: Brooks & Cole "٢nd Ed.", ١٩٨٣.

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McKusick, V.A. Mendelian Inheritance in Man. Ballimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, ١٩٧٥.

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Mednick, M., Tangri, S. & Hoffman, L. "Eds." Women and Achievement: Social Motivational Analysis.

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Mensh, S. N. Gerontology. In: R. J. Corsini "Ed.". Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York. John Wiley, ١٩٩٤.

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Miles, W.R. Age and Human Ability. Psychol. Rev., ١٩٣٣, ٤٠, ٩١-١٢٣.

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