للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

Persaud, I. V. Growth and Differenlation. Cairo: ١st Conference on Islamic Medicine, ١٩٨٥.

Philips, J. Piagct's Theory: A Primer. San Francisco: Freeman, ١٩٨١.

Piaget, J. Intellectual Evolution From Adolescence to Adulthood. Human Develop., ١٩٧٢, ١٥, ١-١٢.

Piaget, J. The Child's Conception of the World. Totowa, N.J: Littlcfield & Adams, ١٩٦٧.

Piaget, J. & Inhelder, B. The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books, ١٩٦٩.

Piaget, J. & Inhelder, B.The Development of Thought: Equilibrium of Cognitive Structures. New York: Viking, ١٩٧٥.

Piotrowski, C. Adolescent Development. In: R. ٣. Corsini "Ed.": Encyclopedia of Psychology. New York. John Witcy, ١٩٩٤.

Polmn, R. Development, Genetics and Psychology. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, ١٩٨٦.

Poon, L. "Ed." Aging in the ١٩٨٠: Psychological Issues. Washington, D. C.: APA, ١٩٨٠.

Prcssey, S.L. & Kuhlcr, R.G. Psychological Development through the Life. New York: Harper & Row. ١٩٥٧.

Quinn, J. F. The Early Retirement Decision: Evidence from the ١٩٦٩ Retirement History Study, ١٩٧٨. In Perlmutter and Hall, ١٩٨٥.

Reyncr, E. Human Development. London: Allen & Unwin, ١٩٨٦.

Reedy, M.N., Birren, J. E. & Schaic, K.W. Age and Sex diffe-reces in Slatisfying Love Relationship across Adult Life-Span. Human Develop., ١٩٨١, ٢٤, ٥٢-٦٦.

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