٢ Margoltouth, The Relations between Arabs and Israelites Prior to the rise of Islam, P. ٣, The Jewish Encyclopedia, New York, ١٩٠٢, P. ٤١, Reallexikon der Aaayriologie, erster Band, Zwelte Lieferung-, S., ١٢٥, James A. Montgomery, Arabia and the Bible, PP. ٢٧. ٣ Erich Ebling und Bruno Meissner, Reallexikon der Assyriologte, Erster Band, Berlin and leipzig ١٩٢٢, P. ١٢٥. ٤ Ency, Bibli. Vol., I, P. ٢٧٣, E. Schrader Keilinschriften und Geschichtforschung, t PP. ١٠٠, Fr. Delityech, wo lag das Paradise?, P. ٢٩٥, ٣٠٤, P, Caussin de Perceval, Hlstoire des Arabes I, P., ٤ff. ٥ ENCYCLOPEDIA BIBLICA, by cheyne, vol., I, p. ٢٧٣.