للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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(٢) مصادر البحث باللغة الإنجليزية:

Allen, R.E

The Concise Oxford Dictionary. Eighth Edi.

Oxford: Claredon Press, ١٩٩٠,

Chamber Of Commerce & industry Estern Province,

Saudi Arabia: Dammam, No. ٢٧,. Joly ١٩٩٦.

Competan, Eric N.

Inside Commercial Banking. New York: Jah Wiley & Sons.

Curzon, LB.

Dictionary Of Law. Third Edition. Kuala Lumpur:

International LAW banking services, ١٩٨٩.

Jones, Sally A.

The Law Relating to Credit Cards. London: BSP.

Professional Books, ١٩٨٩.

Al- Melhem Ahmad A.

The Legal Regeme Of Payment Cards, A Comparative Study Between American, British and Kuwait Laws With Particular Referance to Credit Cards. Thesis for the degree of Phd. in the Faculty of Law: England: University of Exeter, ١٩٩٠

Sloan, Irving J. General Editor.

The Law and Legislation of Credit Cards Use and Misuse.

London, Rome, New Uork: Oceana Publications, lnc., ١٩٨٧.

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