للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

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task. It is true that I wrote about the past but I also was looking toward the future. My message is addressed to those Algerians who, for many reasons, were not able to appreciate and understand their ancestral contribution to human culture. It is my hope that the generation of the coming century will be better equipped for studying and appreciating the cultural heritage of their beloved country

At the end I have to acknowledge the great help which a number of persons and institutions provided me. I have to mention here my colleagues at the University of Algiers and specially the Institute of history for giving me a prolonged leave; the staff of the University of Michigan and of the University of Minnesota for their generous help. I have to thank my colleagues at the History Department of the University of Minnesota for providing me with an opportunity to teach some courses in order to support myself financially. Special thanks go to my associate Professor Paul Bamford for his endless support.

Aboul Kacem Saadallah

University of Algiers

and Al al Bayt University (Jordan)


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