للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

القسم الإنجليزي (English Section)

{وَمَنْ أَصْدَقُ مِنَ اللَّهِ حَدِيثاً} .

i.e."And whose word is truer than Allah "s"? (IV,٨٧)

Ninthly and lastly: Legislation in Islam has been entrusted to highly qualified Scholars "Mujtahideen" who are well conversant with disciplines pertaining to the holy Quran and the Sunnah, and are thus capable to adopt the appropriate religious viewpoints, and deduce the suitable rulings according to the ever-recur-ring events in the lives of Muslims.

These have been some of the great characteristics of Islamic legislation. I have endeavoured to highlight them so that it will be easy for the reader to get some glimpses of the excellence and grandeur underlying the Message of Allah, namely, the Faith of Islam. I sincerely hope that this modest effort will help enlighten the hearts and minds of those who aspire, truly, to reach the truth.

May Allah, the Creator of the Universe, guide us all along the path of righteousness and piety

N.B. The reader may kindly refer to the Arabic Text for further details

grieves him that you should perish, Ardently anxious is he over you, to the believers is he most kind and merciful (IX ١٢٨)

The prophet P.B.U.H. says: "whosoever treats others mercilessly, will be treated likewise". He forbade the killing of female infidels, the aged, children, worshipping monks unless they share in the warfare