the purpose of this study was to find out how frequent the different cognitive levels of bloom's taxonomy are covered in a sample of the final examinations for the twelfth grade in Islamic education curricula in Saudi Arabia. the two curricula were hadith end Islamic culture. and tawheed (monotheism) .the final examinations for the period ١٤٠٥ ١٤١٠h.were analysed.
A criterion of the expected frequencies of each level was cited By different authors in different research articles;it was viewed as a reasonable criterion for the purpose of this study. The criterion maintains that the questions of a sample of tests should be distributed over the cognitive levels in the following ratios
٢٥% for the memorization level
٣٠% for the comprehension level
٢٥% for the application level
٢٠% for the higher intellectual abilities
using the x ٢ -test. it was fount that the memorization level was the most frequent in the test questions. second in order with a much lower frequency came the comprehension level. The other two levels were al-most absent in the questions under consideration.
Several recommendation were cited at the end of the article: among which was the call for holding formal trainig sessions in evaluation for the in -service teachers in order to improve their abilities in designing and wiring test questions
for the Islamic education curricula.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين ...