للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

و Jomier و Masson و Schleinschneider و Tor Andrae . . الخ أما هنا فسندرج الكتب المتعلقة بنظرة القرآن للعقيدة المسيحية فيما يتصل بالمسيح.

(١) C. F. Gerock: Versuch einer Darstellung der Christologie des Koran, Hamburg and Gotha ١٨٣٩

(٢) M. Manneval: La christologie du Coran, Toulouse ١٨٦٧ (a thesis based on the above book

(٣) G. Rosch: Die Jesusmythen des Islam, in Theologische Studien and Kritiken, ١٨٧٦, ٤٠٩ - ٥٤

(٤) E. Sayous: Jesus-Christ d'apres Mahomet, Paris-Leipzing ١٨٨٠

(٥) E. Blochet: Le Messianisme dans l'heterodoxie musulmane. Paris, ١٩٠٣

(٦) F. W. von Herbert: The Moslem tradition of Jesus' second visit on earth in Hibbert J. vii, (١٩٠٩), ٢٧ - ٤٨

(٧) C. H. A. Field: Christ in Mohammedan tradition, in MW, i, (١٩١١), ٦٨ - ٧٣

(٨) S. M. Zwemer: The Moslem Christ, An essay in the life, character and teachings of Jesus Christ according to the Koran and orthodox tradition, Edinburgh-London ١٩١٢

(٩) Muhammad Din: The Crucifixion in the Koran, MW, xiv (١٩٢٤) ٢٣ - ٩

(١٠) E. J. Jenkinson: Jesus in Moslem Tradition, ibid., xviii, (١٩٢٨), ٢٦٣ - ٩

(١١) E. J. Robson: Christ in Islam ١٩٢٩

(١٢) H. Gregoire: Mahomet et le monophysisme, in Melanges Charles Diehl, Paris ١٩٣٠, i, ١٠٧ - ١٩; L. Massignon

(١٣) Le Christ dans les Evangiles selon Ghazali, in REl, ١٩٣٢, ٥٢٣ - ٣٦

(١٤) Th. Monod: Le Christ des Musulmans, in Le Monde nonchretien, Cahiers de Foi et Vie no. ٥, December ١٩٣٣, ٧ - ٢٦

(١٥) E. F. F. Bishop: The Son of Mary, in MW, xxiv (١٩٣٤)

(١٦) Ign. di Matteo: La divinitd diCristo e la dottrina della Trinita in Maometto e nei polemisti musulmani, Romepont, Ist. Bibl. ١٩٣٨

(١٧) Ghazali Refutation excellente de la divinite de Jesus-Christ d'apres les