(١) Samuel P Hintington, The Clash of Civilizations, Simon & Schuster, ١٩٩٧, pp ٤١- ٤٣. (٢) Enrique Dussel ز Beyond Eurocentrism: The World-System and the Limits of Modernity س in Fredrick Jameson and Masao Miyoshi, Editors, The Culture of Globalization, Duke University Press, London and Durham, ١٩٩٨, pp ٣-٤. (٣) Op cit pp ٣٢-٣٣, Walter D Mingnola, Globalization, Civilization Processes and the Relocation of Languages Cultures س. (٤) J M Roberts, The Penguin History of the World, Penguin Books, ١٩٩٥, p ٦٠٨. (٥)) Ibid p ٦٠٥ (. (٦) Huntington, op cit p ٥١. (٧) Jeffery R Barnet, Exclusion as National Security Policy, Parameters, ٢٤ (Spring١٩٩٤) , ٥٤, as quoted by Huntington, op cit ٨١-. (٨) Ibid p ٥١. (٩) Ruling Brittania, pp ٣١٦ -٧. (١٠) أخرجه مسلم، رقم ٧٤٦، وأحمد في المسند، رقم ٢٣٤٦٠، واللفظ له. (١١) أخرجه مسلم، رقم، ٢٨٨٩.