(١) Ross Harrison, Democracy, Routledge, London and New York, ١٩٩٥, p ٣. (٢) Robert A Dahl, Democracy and its Critics, Yale University Press, ١٩٨٩, pp ٣-٤. (٣) Ibid p ١٧. (٤) العقد الاجتماعي، الكتاب الثالث، الفصل الرابع، ص ٢٣٩. (٥) المصدر نفسه، الفصل ١٥، ص ٢٦٦. (٦) Jamin B Raskin, Overruling Democracy, Routeledge, ٢٠٠٣, p ٩. (٧) Source: U S census bureau. (٨) Clinton Rossiter & James Lane, editors, The Essential Lippman: A Political Philosophy for Liberal Democracy, Harvard University Press, ١٩٨٢, p xi. (٩) Ibid pp ٤-٥. (١٠) F A Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, University of Chicago Press, ١٩٩٤, p ٧٨.